Hainburg, Lower Austria, Waste collection center

Waste collection center Hainburg
Waste collection center Hainburg
Waste collection center Hainburg
Waste collection center Hainburg
Waste collection center Hainburg
Waste collection center Hainburg
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Hainburg, Waste collection center, New building
2410 Hainburg, Pressburger Reichsstraße 1109

Client: GABL Gemeindeabfallverband Bezirk Bruck/Leitha

Construction time: 8 months

Construction specification:
New construction of the entire recycling center including steel construction work and the creation of a drainage basin connected to the drainage channel


Gußhausstraße 16, 1040 Vienna

E-Mail: office@pittel.at

Phone: +43 50 828 - 1000

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